
Our team combines decades of drug development experience, single cell computational biology expertise, and a background in pathogenic cell elimination.

Adam Freund, PhD

Founder & CEO

Dr. Freund has 18 years of experience in life science R&D, focused on blending experimental and computational biology to understand and modulate age-related diseases. He has published >20 papers and patents, which have been cited >8,000 times. Prior to founding Arda, he was a Principal Investigator at Calico Life Sciences, where he helped grow the company from ~15 to 200+ employees and initiated and led multiple therapeutic programs, several of which are now in the clinic.

Remi-Martin Laberge, PhD

VP of Biology

Dr. Laberge has 20+ years of experience in life science R&D.  He is an expert in pathogenic cell elimination, discovered the first senolytic molecules, and has published >50 papers and patents. Prior to Arda, he was Head of Cellular Biology at Unity Biotechnology, where he drove platform development and led multiple teams to clinical stage assets. As part of the foundational team at Unity, he grew the company from inception to >100 employees. He was also previously the VP of Scientific Operations at IRICoR, where he managed a portfolio of >20 early drug discovery programs.

  • Nona Ehyaei, PhD

    Nona Ehyaei, PhD


  • Meng Lin, PhD

    Meng Lin, PhD


  • Sara Sunshine, PhD

    Sara Sunshine, PhD


  • Mike Stadler, PhD

    Mike Stadler, PhD


  • Jack Wang

    Jack Wang


  • Asmiti Sura

    Asmiti Sura